Nature-based solutions for adaptation to climate change in different coastal topologies in the Mediterranean
Manual for IMAP Candidate Common Indicator 25 “Land cover change” calculation
Meeting report on the presentation of the Coastal Management Plan for Boka Bay to national Working Group on ICZM in Montenegro
23rd Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranea...
Report of the Workshop on Land cover monitoring for coastal zone planning and management
Report of the Workshop on Land cover monitoring for coastal zone planning and management
Report of the Workshop on Land cover monitoring for coastal zone planning and management
Meeting report on the Initial expert meeting for the preparation of the Coastal Management Plan in Boka Kotorska Bay
A Test of the Applicability of the Neat Assessment Tool for GES for the Coast and Hydrography EOS in the Adriatic
Que peuvent faire les autorités territoriales pour adapter les villes côtières aux grands enjeux du changement climatique ?
Restoration plan for the creation of a coastal wetland area in Santa Marija Bay (Comino, Malta)
Meeting report on the Initial expert meeting for the preparation of the Coastal Management Plan in Boka Kotorska Bay
Sastanak Upravnog odbora za realizaciju projekta izrade Programa upravljanja obalnim područjem (CAMP) za Bosnu i Hercegovinu i gostiju
Rapport sur l’évaluation de la situation initiale de l'indicateur commun 15 d’IMAP - Algérie
EO8 Coastal Ecosystems and Landscapes Common Indicator 16-Length of coastline subject to physical disturbance due to the influence of human-made...
Suivi de l'indicateur commun IMAP 16 « Longueur du littoral soumis à des perturbations physiques dues à l'influence des structures artificielles...
Report on the baseline situation for common indicator 15 “Location and extent of the habitats potentially impacted by hydrographic alterations”...
Assessment criteria and the Guiding document for application of assessment criteria for the IMAP Common Indicator 16
Critères d’évaluation et le Document d’orientation pour l’application des critères d’évaluation de l’IMAP Indicateur Commun 16
Report on the Transboundary CAMP Otranto 1st Steering Committee
Strategic orientations for sustainable tourism development of the Municipality of Neum
Monitoring marine and coastal environment in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Monitoring Common Indicator 16
Analysis of the Bosnia and Herzegovina legal framework in relation to the provisions of the Mediterranean ICZM Protocol
Towards an Integrated Marine Good Environmental Status (GES) Assessement for Albania
Towards an Integrated Marine Good Environmental Status (GES) Assessment for Montenegro
Length of Mediterranean Coastal Subject to Physical Disturbance due to the Influence of Human Made Structures - Israel
Investigation of hard-bottom habitats (Anthozoa and their taxonomy) in Boka Kotorska Bay Final report
Safeguarding Marine Protected Areas in the Growing Mediterranean Blue Economy: Policy Brief for Tour Boat Sector
Safeguarding Marine Protected Areas in the Growing Mediterranean Blue Economy: Recommendations for the tour boat sector
CORMON - Réunion sur la surveillance des indicateurs relatifs à la côte et à l'hydrographie
SUPREME - Recommendations and guidelines to support Barcelona Convention principles in MSP activities
SIMWESTMED - Recommendations to support common understanding on a regional scale on MSP
SUPREME - How to perform analysis of LSI combining MSP and ICZM in the considered project area
SUPREME - Sub-Regional Workshop on Stakeholders’ Involvement in the Context of Marine Spatial Planning Implementation - Conclusions
Réflexions sur Cadre régional Commun pour la GIZC en Méditerranéen et Contribution au cas d’étude « Var » du projet SIMWESTMED
Evolution of built-up area in coastal zones of Mediterranean countries between 1975 to 2015
Les politiques de gestion de la mer et du littoral et le protocole GIZC de la Méditerranée : quels points de rencontre ?
Les politiques de gestion de la mer et du littoral et le protocole GIZC de la Méditerranée : quels points de rencontre ? (2017, CAR/PAP)
Livret méthodologique pour le recensement et le suivi des zones de stockage terrestre des navires (2017, CAR/PAP)
Rapport de l’atelier de présentation des résultats du projet "Intégration Effective d’une Approche GIZC dans les Pays de l’Afrique du Nord
Rapport de l’atelier de présentation des résultats du projet "Intégration Effective d’une Approche GIZC dans les Pays de l’Afrique du Nord, Algér...
Comité de Pilotage Compte-rendu de la réunion n°4 Conseil Départemental du Var, Toulon (2017, CAR/PAP)
Rapport du premier atelier de formation sur les indicateurs relatifs à la côte et à l’hydrographie
Consultation Meeting on the Regional Framework for ICZM and the Conceptual Framework for MSP
Report CAMP Italy Mid-Term Conference “Instruments and Actions for Integrated Coastal Management”
Preporuke za jačanje otpornosti obala na utjecaje klimatskih promjena (UNEP/MAP-PAP/RAC-GEF, 2016)
MSP Med Greece for the MAP COP19