
Workshop to Present Draft Guidelines on Nature-based Solutions for Adaptation to Climate Change in Different Coastal Typologies

2024, PAP/RAC

Report of the workshop on NbS Solutions in Rome

2024, PAP/RAC

MedProgramme C.P. 2.1. ICZM Progress meeting

2023, Daria Povh Škugor

Coast Day 2023 - Albania

2023, PAP/RAC

Report of the CORMON Meeting

2023, PAP/RAC

CAMP ISRAEL Inception workshop and First ICZM Training course

2023, PAP/RAC

A Test of the Applicability of the Neat Assessment Tool for GES for the Coast and Hydrography EOS in the Adriatic

2022, PAP/RAC

Report on the IMAP common indicator 15 for Israel

2022, PAP/RAC

Suivi de l'indicateur commun IMAP 16 « Longueur du littoral soumis à des perturbations physiques dues à l'influence des structures artificielles...

2022, PAP/RAC

Rapport sur l'atelier de lancement du plan côtier de Tanger Tetouan

2022, PAP/RAC

Report on the baseline situation for common indicator 15 “Location and extent of the habitats potentially impacted by hydrographic alterations”...

2022, PAP/RAC

Report on the baseline situation of the common indicator 16 in Tunisia

2022, PAP/RAC

Report on the baseline situation for the common indicator 15 in Egypt


Assessment criteria and the Guiding document for application of assessment criteria for the IMAP Common Indicator 16

2021, PAP/RAC

Critères d’évaluation et le Document d’orientation pour l’application des critères d’évaluation de l’IMAP Indicateur Commun 16

2021, PAP/RAC

CORMON Coast and Hydrography Meeting - 25 November 2021


Report on the Inception Workshop of the Transboundary CAMP Otranto

2021, PAP/RAC

Report on the baseline situation of the common indicator 16 in Morocco

2021, PAP/RAC

Report on the baseline situation for the common indicator 15 in Lebanon

2021, PAP/RAC

Report on the baseline situation for the common indicator 16 in Libya

2021, PAP/RAC

Report on the baseline situation for the common indicator 16 in Lebanon

2021, PAP/RAC

Coordination mechanism for ICZM in Bosnia and Herzegovina

2021, PAP/RAC

Monitoring marine and coastal environment in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Monitoring Common Indicator 16

2021, PAP/RAC

Stakeholders mapping in Bosnia and Herzegovina

2021, PAP/RAC

Integrated Monitoring Program for Montenegro

2021, PAP/RAC

Analysis of the Bosnia and Herzegovina legal framework in relation to the provisions of the Mediterranean ICZM Protocol

2021, PAP/RAC

Land Sea Interaction Analysis for Montenegro

2021, PAP/RAC

The States and Pressures of the Marine Environment in Montenegro

2021, PAP/RAC

Towards an Integrated Marine Good Environmental Status (GES) Assessement for Albania

2021, PAP/RAC

Towards an Integrated Marine Good Environmental Status (GES) Assessment for Montenegro

2021, PAP/RAC

Results and achievements of the GEF Adriatic project

2021, PAP/RAC

REPORT of the Meeting of PAP/RAC Focal Points (Video conference, 24-25 May 2021)

2021, PAP RAC

Rapport sur la réunion des points focaux du CAR/PAP (24&25.05.2021)

2021, PAP RAC

D.C.3.3 Report of the PORTODIMARE Project Final conference


Length of Mediterranean Coastal Subject to Physical Disturbance due to the Influence of Human Made Structures - Israel

2021, PAP/RAC

Investigation of hard-bottom habitats (Anthozoa and their taxonomy) in Boka Kotorska Bay Final report

2021, PAP RAC

PORTODIMARE 2nd training workshop – report

2020, PAP RAC

MedOpen GIZC 2019 -Rapport final

2020, PAP/RAC

Blue Economy in Montenegro (in Montenegrin with summary in English)

2020, PAP RAC

Rezultati istraživanja morske sredine Crne Gore - Rezime

2019, PAP RAC

Rezultati istraživanja morske sredine Crne Gore - Izvještaj

2019, PAP RAC

Transferability plan at Mediterranean scale

2019, PAP/RAC

Report on Monitoring of IMAP Common Indicator 16 for Slovenia

2019, PAP/RAC

PHAROS4MPAs: Policy Brief 2019

2019, PAP/RAC

PHAROS4MPAs: Recommendations for the Cruise Sector

2019, PAP/RAC

Mediterranean Coast Day 2018 - Report

2019, PAP/RAC

SIMWESTMED - Relationship between LSI and ICZM

2018, PAP/RAC

SIMWESTMED - Coordination of sectoral policies (Background document)

2018, PAP/RAC

SIMWESTMED - Tyrrhenian Case Study

2018, PAP/RAC

SIMWESTMED - Recommendations to support common understanding on a regional scale on MSP

2018, PAP/RAC

SIMWESTMED - Var County, France. Case Study


Inception report

2018, UNEP MAP

Report COP20 Barcelona Convention

2018, UN Environment/MAP Secretariat

Les politiques de gestion de la mer et du littoral et le protocole GIZC de la Méditerranée : quels points de rencontre ? (2017, CAR/PAP)

2017, CAR/PAP

Bulletin PAC Var #3 (2017, CAR/PAP)

2017, CAR/PAP

CAMP Italy Final Report

2017, CAMP Italy team

The Way to a Regional Framework 2017-2021-Background Document

2016, PAP/RAC

Coastal Plan Sibenik-Knin County, Map collection


Obalni Plan Sibensko-Kniske Zupanije, zbirka mapa


CAMP Montenegro - Integrated Coastal Zone Management Strategy for Montenegro: Final Report (2015, PAP/RAC)

2015, PAP/RAC

MSP Med Greece Final report: Paving the Road to MSP in the Mediterranean

2015, PAP/RAC

Local Assessment of Vulnerability to Climate Variability and Change for Šibenik-Knin County Coastal Zone. Technical report.


Rapport sur l'analyse socio-économique des impacts de la variabilité et changement climatiques sur les secteurs économiques clés dans les zones c...


Assessment of Costs of Sea-Level Rise in the Republic of Croatia Including Costs and Benefits of Adaptation. Technical report. Priority Actions P...


Assessment of banking and Insurance Practices Related to Climate Variability and Change in the Mediterranean. Priority Actions Programme, Split,


Pilot project in the Adriatic on testing the candidate common indicator “Land use change” in the Mediterranean

2015, PAP/RAC

CAMP Assessment (2015, UNEP/MAP/PAP)


Integrated Coastal Zone Management Strategy for Montenegro: Participatory Process (2015, PAP/RAC)

2015, PAP/RAC

Integrated Coastal Zone Management Strategy for Montenegro: Institutional and Legal Framework for Integrated Coastal Zone Management (2014, PAP/R...

2014, PAP/RAC

Establishment of coastal setback: An explanatory report on Article 8-2 of ICZM Protocol Issues to be considered

2013, PAP/RAC

Integrated Coastal Zone Management Strategy for Montenegro: Information on the Progress (2013, PAP/RAC)

2013, PAP/RAC

Final Integrated Report. Levante de Almeria: A laboratory to test Integrated Coastal Zone Management (2013, PAP/RAC)

2013, PAP/RAC

General Vulnerability Assessment - Summary (2013, PAP/RAC)

2013, PAP/RAC

Vulnerability Assessment of the Narrow Coastal Zone - Summary

2013, PAP/RAC

Assessment of attractiveness and suitability of the coastal zone of Montenegro for development of agriculture - Summary.

2013, PAP/RAC

Ensuring appropriate co-ordination: An explanatory report on Article 7 of the ICZM Protocol

2013, PAP/RAC

Rapport explicatif sur l’Article 8-2 du Protocole GIZC. Aspects à prendre en considération pour la mise en place d’une zone de retrait

2013, PAP/RAC

Assessment of Impacts of the Ratification of the Mediterranean Protocol on ICZM on Croatian Legislation, with a Focus on Article 8.


Analysis of the Croatian legal framework in relation to the provisions of the Protocol on ICZM in the Mediterranean

2012, PAP/RAC

A contribution to the interpretation of legal aspects of the Protocol on Integrated Coastal Zone Management in the Mediterranean

2012, PAP/RAC

Landscape management methodologies: A synthesis report of thematic studies

2011, Bratina Jurkovic, N

Position Paper: Climate Change in Coastal Zones of the Mediterranean. Split, Priority Actions Programme,

2010, Travers, A., Elrick C. and Kay R

Background Paper: Climate Change in Coastal Zones of the Mediterranean

2010, Travers, A., Elrick C. and Kay R

Outstanding landscapes in the Mediterranean – Thematic Study. Split, Priority Actions Programme,

2010, Bratina Jurkovic, N

Landscape Planning and Vulnerability Assessment in the Mediterranean: Thematic Study. Split: PAP/RAC.

2010, Golobic, M. and Breskvar Zaucer,

Gestion Intégrée de la Zone Côtière du Rif central : Rapport de synthèse final (2010, CAR/PAP)

2010, CAR/PAP

Analyse de durabilité de la zone côtière du Rif central (2010, CAR/PAP)

2010, CAR/PAP

Rapport final. Activité thématique « Tourisme durable » (2010, CAR/PAP)

2010, CAR/PAP

Rapport final. Patrimoine culturel historique du Rif central (2010, CAR/PAP)

2010, CAR/PAP

Activité thématique « GIZC » . Rapport final « Opérations pilotes » (2010, CAR/PAP)

2010, CAR/PAP

Activité thématique GIZC Rapport final « Diagnostic » (2010, CAR/PAP)

2010, CAR/PAP

Rapport final intégré. PAC Maroc (2009, CAR/PAP)

2009, CAR/PAP

Report of the Joint Focal Points Meeting of BP/RAC, INFO/RAC and PAP/RAC

2009, PAP/RAC

Diagnostic de la biodiversité marine du Rif central et orientations de gestion (2009, CAR/PAP)

2009, CAR/PAP

Final ICZM Policy Report: The Way Forward for the Mediterranean Coast. A framework for Implementing regional ICZM policy at the national and loca...


Tunisie : Rapport sur le choix et l'évaluation environnementale des structures pilotes

2009, PAP/RAC

RAPPORT de l'Atelier de clôture du projet - Korba

2009, PAP/RAC

Rapport de l’Atelier de clôture du projet - Al Hoceïma (2009, CAR/PAP)

2009, CAR/PAP

Activité thématique « Sensibilisation et participation » Rapport final 2009, CAR/PAP)

2009, CAR/PAP

Développement de stratégies pour un tourisme durable dans les nations méditerranéennes

2009, PAP/RAC

Protection des sites culturels sensibles Inventaire et diagnostic (2009, CAR/PAP)

2009, CAR/PAP

Spatial Planning Systems in the Adriatic - 2/2

2008, PAP/RAC

Spatial Planning Systems in the Adriatic 1/2

2008, PAP/RAC

Final Integrated Report. CAMP Slovenia (2008, PAP/RAC)


PAC Maroc Rapport de lancement (2008, CAR/PAP)

2008, CAR/PAP

Activité thématique « Développement du tourisme durable » Rapport diagnostic: la Province de Chefchaouen 2008, CAR/PAP)

2008, CAR/PAP

State of the Art of Coastal and Maritime Planning in the Adriatic Region: Synthesis Report. Split

2007, PAP/RAC

Marine Spatial Planning: A Theoretical Overview

2007, PAP/RAC

Memorandum of Understanding among the Ministry of Environment of Spain, the Regional Ministry of Environment of Andalucia, and UNEP relative to C...

2007, PAP/RAC

Revitalisation of the Rural Landscape of the Blato Area on the Island of Korcula: Thematic Study on Landscape Management in Croatia. Split

2007, PAP/RAC

Coastal Landscapes of Tunisia with Special Focus on Cap Bon - A Proposed Landscape Character Assessment.

2007, PAP/RAC

CAMP "CYPRUS" Inception report

2006, PAP/RAC

Conception of Spatial Development of South Primorska; Analysis of Spatial Vulnerability and Attractivenes

2006, ACER

Rapport Final, PAC « Zone côtière algéroise » (2006, CAR/PAP)

2006, CAR/PAP

The Systemic and Prospective Sustainability Analysis 'Imagine' Within CAMP Slovenia

2006, BP/RAC.

CAMP Spain Inception Report (2005, PAP/RAC)

2005, PAP/RAC

Analyse de durabilité dans le cadre du PAC « Zone côtière algéroise" (Algérie) - 2005, CAR/PB

2005, CAR/PB

Report of the Regional Workshop to Present PAP/RAC - FAO Experiences in Combating Land Degradation in Mediterranean Coastal Areas

2005, PAP/RAC

Rapport de synthèse final. Activité « Gestion intégrée de la zone côtière » (2005, CAR/PAP)

2005, CAR/PAP

Application des Directives CAR/PAP pour la formulation d’un programme de gestion de contrôle de l’érosion et de la désertification - Cas du bassi...

2005, PAP/RAC

PAC « Zone côtière algéroise » Formation et participation (2005, CAR/PAP)

2005, CAR/PAP

PAC "Zone côtière algéroise" Protection des sites sensibles naturels marins du secteur Cap Djinet au Mont Chenoua Actions pilotes, plan d’action...

2005, CAR/ASP

Protection des sites sensibles naturels Rapport de troisième phase – éléments de plan de gestion pour la zone littorale –

2005, CAR/ASP

Lutte contre la pollution liée aux déchets solides – Phase II: Programme de gestion (2004, CAR/PAP)

2004, CAR/PAP

Agreement relative to the Coastal Area Management Programme (Camp) – the project For Cyprus

2004, PAP/RAC

Improving Coastal Land Degradation Monitoring in Lebanon and Syria: Country Report Lebanon. Split:

2004, PAP/RAC

Programme d'Aménagement Côtier en Méditerranée marocaine : Etude de faisabilité (2004, CAR/PAP)

2004, PAP/RAC

CAMP Lebanon: Final report for Damour (2004, PAP/RAC)

2004, PAP/RAC

CAMP Lebanon: Final report for Naqoura (2004, PAP/RAC)

2004, PAP/RAC

CAMP Lebanon: Final report for Sarafand (2004, PAP/RAC)

2004, PAP/RAC

List of publications (NOSTRUM-DSS)


CAMP Lebanon: Tourism and Sustainable Development. Final Report (2003, PAP/RAC)

2003, PAP/RAC

CAMP Lebanon: Cultural heritage component. Final Report (2003, PAP/RAC)

2003, PAP/RAC

MAP CAMP Project "Malta": final integrated project document and selected thematic documents: Volume II. MTS 138. (2003, UNEP/MAP/PAP)


MAP CAMP Project "Malta": final integrated project document and selected thematic documents: Volume I. MTS 138. (2003, UNEP/MAP/PAP)


CAMP Lebanon: Integrated Water Resources Management in CAMP area with demonstrations in Damour, Sarafand and Naqoura municipalities. Final Report...

2003, PAP/RAC

Synthesis Report on Urban Regeneration, Split

2003, PAP/RAC

CAMP Slovenia Feasibility Study

2002, PAP/RAC

CAMP Cyprus Diagnostic – Feasibility Report

2002, PAP/RAC

List of publications (CAMP Malta)

2002, PAP/RAC

CAMP: Improving the Implementation. Report and Proceedings of the MAP/PAP/METAP Workshop (2002, MAP/PAP/METAP)


CAMP: Improving the Implementation - CAMP "Kastela Bay" Croatia (2002, MAP/METAP/PAP)

2001, PAP/RAC

MAP CAMP Project "Fuka-Matrouh", Egypt: final integrated report and selected documents: Volume I. MTS 131. Vol. 1 (2001, UNEP/MAP/PAP)


Programme d'Aménagement Côtier (PAC) de la "Zone côtière de Sfax": Synthèse des études du projet, rapport de la réunion de clôture et autres docu...


MAP Technical Reports 134: MAP CAMP Project "Israel": Final Integrated Report and Selected Documents (2001, UNEP/MAP/PAP)


River Cetina Watershed and the Adjacent Coastal Area: Environmental and Socio-Economic Profile.

2000, PAP/RAC

Agreement relative to the Coastal Area Management Programme (CAMP) – the project for Lebanon: Summary


List of publications (CAMP Israel)

2000, PAP/RAC

List of publications (Projects in Africa)


Coastal Area Management Programme (CAMP) Fuka-Matrouh-Egypt. Final Integrated Report

1999, PAP/RAC

Carrying Capacity Assessment for Tourism Development of the CAMP Fuka-Matrouh, Egypt (1999, PAP/RAC)

1999, PAP/RAC

Integrated Coastal and Marine Areas Management in Mozambique: Xai-Xai District Coastal Area Management Strategy. East African Regional Seas Techn...


Aménagement des zones cotières en République Fédérale Islamique des Comores. I’ile de Grande Comore: Profil cotier et stratégie de planification....


Assessment of Integrated Coastal Management in Africa.

1998, PAP/RAC

CAMP Fuka-Matrouh: Implications of Climate Change for the Coastal Area of Fuka-Matrouh. MTS 102. (Egypt) (1996, UNEP/MAP)

1996, UNEP/MAP

Implications of Climate Change for the Albanian Coast. MTS 98. (1996, UNEP/MAP)

1996, UNEP/MAP

Second Meeting of the Task Team on Implications of Climatic Changes on the Coastal Area of Sfax, Tunisia(UNEP(OCA)/MED WG.99/1. 11 August 1995. E...

1995, UNEP/MAP

Integrated Management Study for the Area of Izmir. MTS 84. (1994, UNEP/MAP/PAP)