
Manual for IMAP Candidate Common Indicator 25 “Land cover change” calculation


Concept note on MSP in Albania


Plan d'action pour l'égalité des genres du CAR/PAP

2023, PAP/RAC

Plan d'action pour l'égalité des genres du CAR/PAP

2023, PAP/RAC

Rapport de l’atelier régional sur la législation côtière du 25 mai 2023

2023, PAP/RAC

Restoration plan for the creation of a coastal wetland area in Santa Marija Bay (Comino, Malta)

2022, PAP/RAC

Report of the final conference of the GEF Adriatic project


Report on lessons learned based on national reports for the CIs 15 and 16

2022, PAP/RAC

Bright Spots in the Mediterranean

2022, SPA/RAC

Sastanak Upravnog odbora za realizaciju projekta izrade Programa upravljanja obalnim područjem (CAMP) za Bosnu i Hercegovinu i gostiju

2022, PAP/RAC

Rapport sur l’évaluation de la situation initiale de l'indicateur commun 15 d’IMAP - Algérie


EO8 Coastal Ecosystems and Landscapes Common Indicator 16-Length of coastline subject to physical disturbance due to the influence of human-made...

2022, PAP/RAC

Final Assessment Criteria and Guidance for CI 16


Report on the Transboundary CAMP Otranto 1st Steering Committee

2021, PAP/RAC

Report on the baseline situation for the common indicator 15 in Morocco

2021, PAP/RAC

Marine Spatial Plan of Montenegro

2021, PAP/RAC

DT2.8.1 Geoportal maintenance and transferability plan


MedOpen - Rapport intégré sur la session 2020


Stakeholder Involvement Plan

2020, PAP RAC

Securing the future of the Adriatic’s marine resources

2020, PAP RAC

Pan Adriatic Scope - Summary


Results of Marine Research in Montenegro - Summary


Report on Monitoring of IMAP Common Indicator 16-Istria County

2019, PAP/RAC

Safeguarding Marine Protected Areas in the Growing Mediterranean Blue Economy: Recommendations for the tour boat sector

2019, PAP RAC

National IMAP Coast and Hydrography - Algeria

2019, Algeria

National IMAP Coast and Hydrography - Lebanon

2019, Lebanon

National IMAP Coast and Hydrography - Lybia

2019, Lybia

National IMAP Coast and Hydrography - Israel

2019, Israel

National IMAP Coast and Hydrography - Morocco

2019, Morocco

National IMAP Coast and Hydrography - Tunisia

2019, Tunisia

Evolution of built-up area in coastal zones of Mediterranean countries between 1975 to 2015

2017, UNEP Grid Geneva

Stratégie nationale de gestion intégrée des zones côtières en Algérie. (Appui PAMMedPartnership, UNESCO).


Integrated ressources management plan for the Buna/Bojana area

2015, PAP RAC

Coastal Plan for the Šibenik-Knin County: A Road to Resilience (2015, PAP/RAC)

2015, PAP/RAC

Coastal Plan for the Šibenik-Knin County (2015, PAP/RAC)

2015, PAP/RAC

Plan integralnog upravljanja obalnim područjem Šibensko-Kninske županije

2015, PAP/RAC

Plan côtier de Reghaia. Split, Programme d'actions prioritaires, 2015.


CAMP Italy Project” Feasibility Study


Réunion de travail Stratégie de GIZC pour l’Algérie – Plan côtier de Réghaïa


Integrated Coastal Zone Management Strategy for Montenegro: Position Paper for the ICZM Strategy for Montenegro

2013, PAP/RAC

The ICZM Process - A Roadmap towards Coastal Sustainability

2012, PAP/RAC

Analysis and Lessons Learned from National Strategies to the benefit of National ICZM Strategies in the Mediterranean. Split, Priority Actions Pr...


Agreement relative to the Coastal Area Management Programme (CAMP) - the project for Montenegro

2011, PAP/RAC

Tunisie : Stratégie de développement du tourisme durable dans le Cap Bon

2009, PAP/RAC

Sustainable Tourism Development in Croatian Coastal Area - Pilot project Baska Voda. Split:

2008, PAP/RAC

CAMP Montenegro; Feasibility Study

2008, PAP/RAC

ICAM Methodology and Proposed ICAM Strategic Framework (2008, PAP/RAC)

2008, H. Coccosis

Protocole relatif à la Gestion Intégrée des Zones Côtières de la Méditerranée

2008, PAP/RAC

Directives pour la gestion intégrée des eaux urbaines en zone littorale méditerranéenne. Volume I. Principes et planification

2007, PAP/RAC

Plan d’Action pour la Méditerranée Accord relatif au Programme d’Aménagement Côtier pour la zone côtière du Rif central (2007, CAR/PAP)

2007, CAR/PAP

Integrated Coastal Area Management in Cyprus: Biodiversity Concerns


Conception of Spatial Development of South Primorska and the Programme of Measures for Its Implementation (2006, PAP/RAC)

2006, ACER and Oikos

Regional Programe of Environment and Water Resources Protection (2006, PAP/RAC)

2006, Banovec, P., Urh, K. and Slibar, A

Conception of Spatial Development of South Primorska and the Programme of Measures of its Implementation 2006, PAP/RAC)

2006, ACER

Detailed Spatial Planning Conception of the Coastal Area

2005, Gabrijelcic, P. et al.

CAMP Levante de Almeria, Spain; Feasibility Study (2005, PAP/RAC)

2005, PAP/RAC

Lutte contre la pollution liée aux déchets solides – Phase II: Programme de gestion

2005, CAR/PAP

Gestion intégrée des ressources en eau: Tendances et alternatives

2005, CAR/PAP

PAC "Zone côtière algéroise" Activité: Protection des sites sensibles naturels marins du secteur Cap Djinet au Mont Chenoua Impacts des activités...

2005, CAR/ASP.

Protection des sites culturels sensibles - Phase 2

2005, CAR/PAP.

Regional Plan for the Spatial Development of South Primorska

2004, PAP/RAC

Feasibility Study for a Legal Instrument on Integrated Coastal Area Management in the Mediterranean. Split

2003, PAP/RAC

Programme for the integrated management of the Mar manor coastline and it's area of influence

2003, PAP/RAC

Agreement relative to the Coastal Area Management Programme (Camp) – the project for Slovenia

2003, MAP-PAP/RAC.

Accord relatif au Programme d’Aménagement Côtier pour la zone côtière algéroise (Algérie)


UNEP/MAP/PAP. 2001. White Paper: Coastal Zone Management in the Mediterranean / Livre blanc: Gestion des zones côtières en Méditerranée. Split: P...

2001, PAP/RAC

Programme d’aménagement côtier du PAM: Un cadre stratégique pour l'avenir (2001, PAP/CAR)

2001, PAP/RAC

Integrated Coastal Area Management Planning Study – CAMP Fuka-Matrouh, Egypt. Split: PAP/RAC.

1999, PAP/RAC

Coastal Area Management Programme (CAMP) Lebanon; Feasibility Study.

1999, PAP/RAC

Agreement relative to the Coastal Area Management Programme (CAMP) for Malta (1999, PAP/RAC)


Directives pour l’approche intégrée au développement, à la gestion et à l’utilisation des ressources en eau

1997, PAP/RAC

Rapport de la deuxième réunion de l'équipe de travail sur les implications des changements climatiques pour la zone côtière de Sfax ((UNEP(OCA)/M...

1995, PNUE/PAM