Stratégie nationale de gestion intégrée des zones côtières en Algérie. (Appui PAMMedPartnership, UNESCO).
CAMP Montenegro - Integrated Coastal Zone Management Strategy for Montenegro: Final Report (2015, PAP/RAC)
Local Assessment of Vulnerability to Climate Variability and Change for Šibenik-Knin County Coastal Zone. Technical report.
Rapport sur l'analyse socio-économique des impacts de la variabilité et changement climatiques sur les secteurs économiques clés dans les zones c...
Assessment of Costs of Sea-Level Rise in the Republic of Croatia Including Costs and Benefits of Adaptation. Technical report. Priority Actions P...
Assessment of banking and Insurance Practices Related to Climate Variability and Change in the Mediterranean. Priority Actions Programme, Split,
A systemic and prospective sustainability analysis within the Šibenik-Knin County (Croatia)
Guidance document on how to reflect changes in hydrographical conditions in relevant assessment
Pilot project in the Adriatic on testing the candidate common indicator “Land use change” in the Mediterranean
ClimVar & ICZM Project Regional Conference on the Evaluation of Socio-economic Impacts of Climate Variability and Change in coastal zones
Rapport de la réunion de lancement du Programme d’Aménagement Côtier pour la zone côtière du Var (France)
Integrated Coastal Zone Management Strategy for Montenegro: Participatory Process (2015, PAP/RAC)
A systemic and prospective sustainability analysis within the Šibenik-Knin County (Croatia) Report on the 4th “Climagine” workshop
Rapport sur la Conférence de présentation de la stratégie nationale de GIZC pour l’Algérie et du plan côtier de Réghaia
RAPPORT sur la réunion de présentation des résultats préliminaires de la mise en œuvre du modèle DIVA en Tunisie
Integrated Coastal Zone Management Strategy for Montenegro: Institutional and Legal Framework for Integrated Coastal Zone Management (2014, PAP/R...
Establishment of coastal setback: An explanatory report on Article 8-2 of ICZM Protocol Issues to be considered
Integrated Coastal Zone Management Strategy for Montenegro: Information on the Progress (2013, PAP/RAC)
Final Integrated Report. Levante de Almeria: A laboratory to test Integrated Coastal Zone Management (2013, PAP/RAC)
18th Ordinary Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Med...
Report of the Inception Workshop of the ICZM Plan of the Šibenik-Knin County PAP/RAC
Report of the Working Group meeting on Economic and Social Assessment the forthcoming Croatian Marine and Coastal Strategy PAP/RAC
Report of the meeting to present initial results of the assessment of the costs of climate variability & change for the Croatian coast and for th...
REPORT of Technical meeting with PAP/RAC NFPs back-to-back with the Mediterranean Coast Day celebration
Assessment of attractiveness and suitability of the coastal zone of Montenegro for development of agriculture - Summary.
Integrated Coastal Zone Management Strategy for Montenegro: Position Paper for the ICZM Strategy for Montenegro
A systemic and prospective sustainability analysis within the Šibenik-Knin County (Croatia)
MINUTES OF THE MEETING of the Second Steering Committee for Coastal Area Management Programme (CAMP) Project for Montenegro and the National Stra...
REPORT of the Annual Conference on Coastal Area Management Programme (CAMP) for Montenegro and the National Strategy for Integrated Coastal Zone...
Report on the CAMP Levante de Almeria Final Presentation Conference, Almeria (2013, PAP/RAC)
Ensuring appropriate co-ordination: An explanatory report on Article 7 of the ICZM Protocol
Rapport explicatif sur l’Article 8-2 du Protocole GIZC. Aspects à prendre en considération pour la mise en place d’une zone de retrait
Integration of Climatic Variability and Change into Coastal Plans and National ICZM Strategies
Assessment of Impacts of the Ratification of the Mediterranean Protocol on ICZM on Croatian Legislation, with a Focus on Article 8.
Analysis of the Croatian legal framework in relation to the provisions of the Protocol on ICZM in the Mediterranean
REPORT of joint meeting of the PEGASO, SHAPE, MAREMED and PERSEUS to share results related to the implementation of the ICZM Protocol
REPORT of a SHAPE Workshop on the National ICZM Strategies for the Adriatic countries
Lignes directrices pour la préparation des stratégies nationales de GIZC requises par le Protocole de Gestion Intégrée des Zones Côtières (GIZC)...
National ICZM Strategies. Guidelines for the Preparation of National ICZM Strategies required by the Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Pr...
Report of the 17th Ordinary Meeting of the CPs to the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Medit...
Réunion de lancement de la stratégie nationale de GIZC pour l’Algérie et du plan côtier de Réghaïa
“Together for the Mediterranean” Report of the 4th Integrative Working Group (IWG) meeting Split
Analysis and Lessons Learned from National Strategies to the benefit of National ICZM Strategies in the Mediterranean. Split, Priority Actions Pr...
GEF UNEP/MAP Strategic Partnership for the Mediterranean Sea Large Marine Ecosystem (MedPartnership) (Component 1) 1 st Harmonization Meeting on...
SHAPE Project Shaping an Holistic Approach to Protect the Adriatic Environment: between coast and sea Kick Off Meeting Minutes
Together for the Mediterranean: Expert group meeting on harmonizing the national legal and institutional framework with ICZM Protocol
Landscape management methodologies: A synthesis report of thematic studies
Agreement relative to the Coastal Area Management Programme (CAMP) - the project for Montenegro