
23rd Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranea...

2023, UNEP/MAP

Final report of the 10th Meeting of the Ecosystem Approach Coordination Group

2023, PAP/RAC

Report of the 2023 MAP Focal Points Meeting

2023, PAP/RAC

Meeting Report

2023, Ivan Sekovski

Meeting report Integrated CORMON 2023

2023, PAP/RAC

Rapport de l’ Atelier 4 « Planification du SRL TTA »

2023, PAP/RAC

Report of the Workshop on Land cover monitoring for coastal zone planning and management

2023, Daria Povh Škugor

Report of the Workshop on Land cover monitoring for coastal zone planning and management

2023, Daria Povh Škugor

Report of the Workshop on Land cover monitoring for coastal zone planning and management

2023, Daria Povh Škugor

Rapport de l’ Atelier 3 de co-construction du SRL TTA

2023, PAP/RAC

Rapport de l'atelier 3 de co construction du SRL TTA Tanger 8 mars 2023

2023, Ante Ivčević

Meeting report on the Initial expert meeting for the preparation of the Coastal Management Plan in Boka Kotorska Bay

2023, Daria Povh Škugor

Report of the Third Stakeholder Meeting for the Coastal Management Plan of Boka Kotorska Bay

2023, PAP/RAC

Rapport de l'atelier 2 de diagnostic Tanger 29 sept 2022

2022, Ante Ivčević

Diagnostic meeting report of the Coastal Management Plan for Boka Kotorska Bay

2022, PAP/RAC

Meeting report on the Initial expert meeting for the preparation of the Coastal Management Plan in Boka Kotorska Bay

2022, PAP/RAC

Boca Bay Scoping Meeting

2021, PAP/RAC

Final sub-regional meeting: Adriatic-Ionian cooperation towards MSP


PORTODIMARE - Report of the 1st training workshop

2019, PAP/RAC

Final sub-regional meeting: Adriatic-Ionian cooperation towards MSP

2019, PAP/RAC


2019, PAP/RAC

Naples declaration

2019, UNEP MAP

7th Meeting of the Ecosystem Approach Coordination Group

2019, UNEP/MAP

ADRIADAPT_Expert meeting report

2019, PAP/RAC

Report of the Meeting of PAP/RAC Focal Points (Split, 8-9 May 2019)

2019, PAP/RAC

RAPPORT de la réunion des points focaux du CAR/PAP

2019, PAP/RAC

Report of the Meeting of PAP/RAC Focal Points

2019, PAP/RAC

CORMON - Réunion sur la surveillance des indicateurs relatifs à la côte et à l'hydrographie

2019, PNUE/PAM

MSP as a tool for the implementation of the ICZM Protocol in the Mediterranean - Meeting report

2019, PAP/RAC

Sub-regional meeting: Adriatic-Ionian cooperation towards MSP. Concluding notes.

2019, PAP/RAC

CO-EVOLVE 6th Steering Committee meeting minutes

2019, REMTH and PAP/RAC

Sub-regional meeting: Adriatic-Ionian cooperation towards MSP

2019, PAP/RAC

SUPREME - Sub-Regional Workshop on Stakeholders’ Involvement in the Context of Marine Spatial Planning Implementation - Conclusions

2018, UN Environment/MAP

Report of the PORTODIMARE International Conference on ICZM&MSP

2018, PAP/RAC

CO-EVOLVE Report on the 2nd Training Course on ICZM/MSP (PAP/RAC, 2018)

2018, PAP/RAC

Report of the Regional Consultation on the CRF for ICZM

2018, PAP/RAC

Report of the Meeting on IMAP Implementation: Best Practices, Gaps and Common Challenges

2018, UN Environment/MAP

Atelier de travail SIMWESTMED, 13-06-18. Conclusions

2018, PAP/RAC

Forum Terre Mer 2018_Conclusions 12-06-18

2018, PAP/RAC

Report of the First GEF Adriatic PSC meeting

2018, UN Environment/MAP

Report on the 2nd Meeting of the WG on the CRF for ICZM

2018, PAP/RAC

GEF Adriatic Inception meeting report of the WG 448 Inf. 6

2018, UN Environment/MAP

Report of the 1st WG Meeting on CRF for ICZM

2018, PAP/RAC

CO-EVOLVE Report on the 1st Training Course on ICZM/MSP

2018, PAP/RAC

Report of SIMWESTMED 2nd Steering Committee meeting

2018, SHOM & project partners

Réflexions sur Cadre régional Commun pour la GIZC en Méditerranéen et Contribution au cas d’étude « Var » du projet SIMWESTMED

2018, PAP/RAC

Co-Evolve 3rd Steering Committee meeting - Minutes of the meeting

2017, REMTH and PAP/RAC

CO-EVOLVE 3rd Steering Committee meeting - Minutes of the meeting

2017, REMTH and PAP/RAC

Les politiques de gestion de la mer et du littoral et le protocole GIZC de la Méditerranée : quels points de rencontre ?

2017, PAP/RAC

MedProgramme. Sub-regional preparatory consultations report

2017, PAP/RAC

PAC Var. Actes - Conférence projet finale

2017, PAP/RAC and National partner

Report on the Mediterranean Coast Day, Tivat, Montenegro

2017, PAP/RAC

Report of the Meeting of the MAP Focal Points

2017, PAP/RAC

Report of the 6th Meeting of the Ecosystem Approach Coordination Group

2017, PAP/RAC

Compte rendu du Forum Terre-mer III (2017, CAR/PAP)

2017, CAR/PAP

REPORT of the Extraordinary Meeting of PAP/RAC National Focal Points

2017, PAP/RAC

Report of SIMWESTMED Steering Committee meeting

2017, PAP/RAC

32nd ECP Meeting report

2017, UN Environment/MAP

Minutes of the 2nd steering committee meeting of the Co-Evolve project

2017, PAP/RAC

RAPPORT de la réunion des Points focaux nationaux (PFN) du CAR/PAP

2017, PAP/RAC

PAP/RAC Second training workshop on Coast and Hydrography indicators

2017, PAP/RAC

Rapport de l’atelier de présentation des résultats du projet "Intégration Effective d’une Approche GIZC dans les Pays de l’Afrique du Nord

2017, PAP/RAC

Rapport de l’atelier de présentation des résultats du projet "Intégration Effective d’une Approche GIZC dans les Pays de l’Afrique du Nord, Algér...

2017, PAP/RAC

Comité de Pilotage Compte-rendu de la réunion n°4 Conseil Départemental du Var, Toulon (2017, CAR/PAP)

2017, CAR/PAP

Final Report-CORMON-Coast and hydrography Madrid


Rapporto. Conferenza finale del progetto CAMP Italy

2017, PAP/RAC


2017, PAP/RAC

Report. Final Conference of the CAMP Italy Project “Caring for our coasts: comparing Mediterranean and Italian experiences

2017, PAP/RAC

Rapport du premier atelier de formation sur les indicateurs relatifs à la côte et à l’hydrographie

2016, PAP/RAC

Consultation Meeting on the Regional Framework for ICZM and the Conceptual Framework for MSP

2016, PAP/RAC


2016, PAP/RAC

Report CAMP Italy Mid-Term Conference “Instruments and Actions for Integrated Coastal Management”

2016, PAP/RAC