
Workshop to Present Draft Guidelines on Nature-based Solutions for Adaptation to Climate Change in Different Coastal Typologies

2024, PAP/RAC

Report of the workshop on NbS Solutions in Rome

2024, PAP/RAC

MedProgramme C.P. 2.1. ICZM Progress meeting

2023, Daria Povh Škugor

Coast Day 2023 - Albania

2023, PAP/RAC

Report of the CORMON Meeting

2023, PAP/RAC

CAMP ISRAEL Inception workshop and First ICZM Training course

2023, PAP/RAC

A Test of the Applicability of the Neat Assessment Tool for GES for the Coast and Hydrography EOS in the Adriatic

2022, PAP/RAC

Report on the IMAP common indicator 15 for Israel

2022, PAP/RAC

Suivi de l'indicateur commun IMAP 16 « Longueur du littoral soumis à des perturbations physiques dues à l'influence des structures artificielles...

2022, PAP/RAC

Rapport sur l'atelier de lancement du plan côtier de Tanger Tetouan

2022, PAP/RAC

Report on the baseline situation for common indicator 15 “Location and extent of the habitats potentially impacted by hydrographic alterations”...

2022, PAP/RAC

Report on the baseline situation of the common indicator 16 in Tunisia

2022, PAP/RAC

Report on the baseline situation for the common indicator 15 in Egypt


Assessment criteria and the Guiding document for application of assessment criteria for the IMAP Common Indicator 16

2021, PAP/RAC

Critères d’évaluation et le Document d’orientation pour l’application des critères d’évaluation de l’IMAP Indicateur Commun 16

2021, PAP/RAC

CORMON Coast and Hydrography Meeting - 25 November 2021


Report on the Inception Workshop of the Transboundary CAMP Otranto

2021, PAP/RAC

Report on the baseline situation of the common indicator 16 in Morocco

2021, PAP/RAC

Report on the baseline situation for the common indicator 15 in Lebanon

2021, PAP/RAC

Report on the baseline situation for the common indicator 16 in Libya

2021, PAP/RAC

Report on the baseline situation for the common indicator 16 in Lebanon

2021, PAP/RAC

Coordination mechanism for ICZM in Bosnia and Herzegovina

2021, PAP/RAC

Monitoring marine and coastal environment in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Monitoring Common Indicator 16

2021, PAP/RAC

Stakeholders mapping in Bosnia and Herzegovina

2021, PAP/RAC

Integrated Monitoring Program for Montenegro

2021, PAP/RAC

Analysis of the Bosnia and Herzegovina legal framework in relation to the provisions of the Mediterranean ICZM Protocol

2021, PAP/RAC

Land Sea Interaction Analysis for Montenegro

2021, PAP/RAC

The States and Pressures of the Marine Environment in Montenegro

2021, PAP/RAC

Towards an Integrated Marine Good Environmental Status (GES) Assessement for Albania

2021, PAP/RAC

Towards an Integrated Marine Good Environmental Status (GES) Assessment for Montenegro

2021, PAP/RAC

Results and achievements of the GEF Adriatic project

2021, PAP/RAC

REPORT of the Meeting of PAP/RAC Focal Points (Video conference, 24-25 May 2021)

2021, PAP RAC

Rapport sur la réunion des points focaux du CAR/PAP (24&25.05.2021)

2021, PAP RAC

D.C.3.3 Report of the PORTODIMARE Project Final conference


Length of Mediterranean Coastal Subject to Physical Disturbance due to the Influence of Human Made Structures - Israel

2021, PAP/RAC

Investigation of hard-bottom habitats (Anthozoa and their taxonomy) in Boka Kotorska Bay Final report

2021, PAP RAC

PORTODIMARE 2nd training workshop – report

2020, PAP RAC

MedOpen GIZC 2019 -Rapport final

2020, PAP/RAC

Blue Economy in Montenegro (in Montenegrin with summary in English)

2020, PAP RAC

Rezultati istraživanja morske sredine Crne Gore - Rezime

2019, PAP RAC

Rezultati istraživanja morske sredine Crne Gore - Izvještaj

2019, PAP RAC

Transferability plan at Mediterranean scale

2019, PAP/RAC

Report on Monitoring of IMAP Common Indicator 16 for Slovenia

2019, PAP/RAC

PHAROS4MPAs: Policy Brief 2019

2019, PAP/RAC

PHAROS4MPAs: Recommendations for the Cruise Sector

2019, PAP/RAC

Mediterranean Coast Day 2018 - Report

2019, PAP/RAC

SIMWESTMED - Relationship between LSI and ICZM

2018, PAP/RAC

SIMWESTMED - Coordination of sectoral policies (Background document)

2018, PAP/RAC

SIMWESTMED - Tyrrhenian Case Study

2018, PAP/RAC

SIMWESTMED - Recommendations to support common understanding on a regional scale on MSP

2018, PAP/RAC

SIMWESTMED - Var County, France. Case Study


Inception report

2018, UNEP MAP

Report COP20 Barcelona Convention

2018, UN Environment/MAP Secretariat

Les politiques de gestion de la mer et du littoral et le protocole GIZC de la Méditerranée : quels points de rencontre ? (2017, CAR/PAP)

2017, CAR/PAP

Bulletin PAC Var #3 (2017, CAR/PAP)

2017, CAR/PAP

CAMP Italy Final Report

2017, CAMP Italy team

The Way to a Regional Framework 2017-2021-Background Document

2016, PAP/RAC

Coastal Plan Sibenik-Knin County, Map collection


Obalni Plan Sibensko-Kniske Zupanije, zbirka mapa