
Manual for IMAP Candidate Common Indicator 25 “Land cover change” calculation


Concept note on MSP in Albania


Plan d'action pour l'égalité des genres du CAR/PAP

2023, PAP/RAC

Plan d'action pour l'égalité des genres du CAR/PAP

2023, PAP/RAC

Rapport de l’atelier régional sur la législation côtière du 25 mai 2023

2023, PAP/RAC

Restoration plan for the creation of a coastal wetland area in Santa Marija Bay (Comino, Malta)

2022, PAP/RAC

Report of the final conference of the GEF Adriatic project


Report on lessons learned based on national reports for the CIs 15 and 16

2022, PAP/RAC

Bright Spots in the Mediterranean

2022, SPA/RAC

Sastanak Upravnog odbora za realizaciju projekta izrade Programa upravljanja obalnim područjem (CAMP) za Bosnu i Hercegovinu i gostiju

2022, PAP/RAC

Rapport sur l’évaluation de la situation initiale de l'indicateur commun 15 d’IMAP - Algérie


EO8 Coastal Ecosystems and Landscapes Common Indicator 16-Length of coastline subject to physical disturbance due to the influence of human-made...

2022, PAP/RAC

Final assessment criteria and guidance for the common indicator 16


Report on the Transboundary CAMP Otranto 1st Steering Committee

2021, PAP/RAC

Report on the baseline situation for the common indicator 15 in Morocco

2021, PAP/RAC

Marine Spatial Plan of Montenegro

2021, PAP/RAC

DT2.8.1 Geoportal maintenance and transferability plan


MedOpen - Rapport intégré sur la session 2020


Stakeholder Involvement Plan

2020, PAP RAC

Securing the future of the Adriatic’s marine resources

2020, PAP RAC

Pan Adriatic Scope - Report summary


Results of Marine Research in Montenegro - Summary


Report on Monitoring of IMAP Common Indicator 16-Istria County

2019, PAP/RAC

Safeguarding Marine Protected Areas in the Growing Mediterranean Blue Economy: Recommendations for the tour boat sector

2019, PAP RAC

National IMAP Coast and Hydrography - Algeria

2019, Algeria

National IMAP Coast and Hydrography - Lebanon

2019, Lebanon

National IMAP Coast and Hydrography - Lybia

2019, Lybia

National IMAP Coast and Hydrography - Israel

2019, Israel

National IMAP Coast and Hydrography - Morocco

2019, Morocco

National IMAP Coast and Hydrography - Tunisia

2019, Tunisia

Evolution of built-up area in coastal zones of Mediterranean countries between 1975 to 2015

2017, UNEP Grid Geneva