The MSSD 2016-2025 provides a strategic policy framework for securing a sustainable future for the Mediterranean region consistent with Sustainable Development Goals. Adopted by the Barcelona Convention COP 19, it aims to harmonize the interactions between socio-economic and environmental goals, adapt international commitments to regional conditions, guide national strategies for sustainable development, and stimulate regional cooperation between stakeholders in the implementation of sustainable development. The MSSD is expected to boost synergies between the work of key national and regional stakeholders, by providing a commonly-agreed framework, thereby leading to increased efficiency in the implementation of sustainable development in the Mediterranean.
The Regional CC Adaptation Framework focuses on the use of Integrated Coastal Zone Management as a climate adaptation measure. The Framework was prepared by UNEP/MAP in the context of the GEF-funded "Integration of climatic variability and change into national strategies to implement the ICZM Protocol in the Mediterranean" project (ClimVar & ICZM Project). The main objective of the Framework is to set a regional strategic approach to increase the resilience of the Mediterranean marine and coastal natural and socioeconomic systems to the impacts of climate change, assisting policy makers and stakeholders at all levels across the Mediterranean in the development and implementation of coherent and effective policies and measures by identifying strategic objectives, strategic directions and priorities.
The EcAp Roadmap was adopted in 2008 (COP15) in Almeria through the "Implementation of the ecosystem approach to the management of human activities that may affect the Mediterranean marine and coastal environment" decision (Decision 17/6).
It was agreed to progressively apply the ecosystem approach which would include the following steps:
i) Definition of an ecological Vision for the Mediterranean;
ii) Setting of common Mediterranean strategic goals;
iii) Identification of important ecosystem properties and assessment of ecological status and pressures;
iv) Development of a set of ecological objectives corresponding to the Vision and strategic goals;
v) Derivation of operational objectives with indicators and target levels;
vi) Revision of existing monitoring programmes for ongoing assessment and regular updating of targets; and
vii) Development and review of relevant action plans and programmes.