
ABMT Feasibility Study


ICZM System and Audit Scheme


ICZM Methodological Guidance


Que peuvent faire les autorités territoriales pour adapter les villes côtières aux grands enjeux du changement climatique ?

2022, PAP/RAC

Coastal resilience handbook for the Adriatic

2022, PAP/RAC

Report on the baseline situation of the common indicator 15 in Tunisia

2021, PAP/RAC

Strategic Guidelines for the Adaptation to Climate Change in the Neum Municipality

2021, PAP/RAC

Strategic orientations for sustainable tourism development of the Municipality of Neum

2021, PAP/RAC

Annex 1 Selected examples from each country

2021, PAP/RAC

Common Regional Framework for Integrated Coastal Zone Management

2020, PAP RAC

PAN Adriatic scope - Adriatic-Ionian cooperation towards MSP

2020, PAP/RAC

Mediterranean coastal wetlands governance handbook

2020, PAP/RAC

Safeguarding Marine Protected Areas in the Growing Mediterranean Blue Economy: Policy Brief for Tour Boat Sector

2019, PAP RAC

SUPREME - Recommendations and guidelines to support Barcelona Convention principles in MSP activities

2018, PAP/RAC

SUPREME - How to perform analysis of LSI combining MSP and ICZM in the considered project area

2018, PAP/RAC

Conceptual Framework for Marine Spatial Planning in the Mediterranean. UN Environment/MAP Athens, Greece (2018)

2018, UN environment/MAP

Enabling factor – Governance for sustainable tourism

2017, PAP/RAC

Livret méthodologique pour le recensement et le suivi des zones de stockage terrestre des navires (2017, CAR/PAP)

2017, CAR/PAP

Preporuke za jačanje otpornosti obala na utjecaje klimatskih promjena (UNEP/MAP-PAP/RAC-GEF, 2016)