Other initiatives

World Environment Day

June 5 is the World Environment Day, proclaimed by the UN in 1974. Its main goal is to increase worldwide awareness for the protection of the environment. It encourages people, which means everyone and anyone, to perform any sort of activity aiming to take care of the Earth, whether it’s on a local scale, a national or a global one. This day is celebrated in a different country every year, and the theme is often linked to the issues faced by the host country. For instance, in 2018 the theme was "Plastic Pollution" and was celebrated in India.

International Day for Biological Diversity

May 22 is the UN’s International Day for Biological Diversity, established following the entry into force of the CBD in 1993.  2018 marks the 25th anniversary of this event, and as a result, the theme was celebrating 25 years of action for biodiversity. Parties were invited to display their achievements in order to increase understanding and awareness of biodiversity issues around the world.

World Oceans Day

World Oceans Day is celebrated every 8th of June. It is officially recognized by the UN, and since 2002, the entire world is invited to participate in various forms of events across the globe. Aiming to raise the profile of the ocean and ultimately inspire more involvement in its conservation process, WOD seeks to collaborate with international organizations and create partnerships all around to promote additional efforts towards a healthier future for our oceans.

Environment days





World Wetlands Day

Ramsar Secretariat (+7 partners)

2 February

International Day of Action for Rivers

International Rivers Org.

14 March

Global Recycling Day

2018 was the first: more

Bureau of International Recycling

18 March

World Fish Migration Day

Fish Migration platform

21 April

World Migratory Bird Day

World migratory bird day organization

2nd  Saturday in May

International Recycling Day

SEMARNAT Mexico (Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales)

May 17

European Maritime Day


20 May

World Sea Turtle Day


16 June

International Day of Climate Action

350 org. (leading organization)


24 October

Environment weeks

Recycle Week

27 September to 1 October 2017

Zero Waste Week

first week of September

European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR)

last complete week in November