Search: Coast & Climate Change

Meeting Report

2023, Ivan Sekovski

Diagnostic meeting report of the Coastal Management Plan for Boka Kotorska Bay

2022, PAP/RAC

Coastal resilience handbook for the Adriatic

2022, PAP/RAC

Coastal Plan Sibenik-Knin County, Map collection


Obalni Plan Sibensko-Kniske Zupanije, zbirka mapa


Guidelines for Adapting to Climate Variability and Change along the Mediterranean Coast. Split, Priority Actions Programme


Local Assessment of Vulnerability to Climate Variability and Change for Šibenik-Knin County Coastal Zone. Technical report.


Rapport sur l'analyse socio-économique des impacts de la variabilité et changement climatiques sur les secteurs économiques clés dans les zones c...


Assessment of Costs of Sea-Level Rise in the Republic of Croatia Including Costs and Benefits of Adaptation. Technical report. Priority Actions P...


Assessment of banking and Insurance Practices Related to Climate Variability and Change in the Mediterranean. Priority Actions Programme, Split,


A systemic and prospective sustainability analysis within the Šibenik-Knin County (Croatia)

2015, Lay, Vladimir

Coastal Plan for the Šibenik-Knin County: A Road to Resilience (2015, PAP/RAC)

2015, PAP/RAC

Coastal Plan for the Šibenik-Knin County (2015, PAP/RAC)

2015, PAP/RAC

A systemic and prospective sustainability analysis within the Šibenik-Knin County (Croatia) Report on the 4th “Climagine” workshop

2015, PAP/RAC

RAPPORT sur la réunion de présentation des résultats préliminaires de la mise en œuvre du modèle DIVA en Tunisie

2014, PAP/RAC

General Vulnerability Assessment - Summary (2013, PAP/RAC)

2013, PAP/RAC

A systemic and prospective sustainability analysis within the Šibenik-Knin County (Croatia)

2013, PAP/RAC

“Together for the Mediterranean” Report of the Joint inception meeting of the Albanian and Montenegrin authorities and partners Tirana

2010, PAP/RAC

“Together for the Mediterranean” Report of the 2nd Integrative Working Group (IWG) Meeting Tirana,

2010, PAP/RAC

Position Paper: Climate Change in Coastal Zones of the Mediterranean. Split, Priority Actions Programme,

2010, Travers, A., Elrick C. and Kay R

Background Paper: Climate Change in Coastal Zones of the Mediterranean

2010, Travers, A., Elrick C. and Kay R

Report on the Seminar "Coastal Tourism in the Mediterranean: Adapting to Climate Change" Cagliari (Sardinia), Italy,

2009, PAP/RAC

Final Report on the Seminar "Coastal Tourism in the Mediterranean: Adapting to Climate Change Report

2009, PAP/RAC

CAMP Fuka-Matrouh: Implications of Climate Change for the Coastal Area of Fuka-Matrouh. MTS 102. (Egypt) (1996, UNEP/MAP)

1996, UNEP/MAP

Implications of Climate Change for the Albanian Coast. MTS 98. (1996, UNEP/MAP)

1996, UNEP/MAP

Second Meeting of the Task Team on Implications of Climatic Changes on the Coastal Area of Sfax, Tunisia(UNEP(OCA)/MED WG.99/1. 11 August 1995. E...

1995, UNEP/MAP

Rapport de la deuxième réunion de l'équipe de travail sur les implications des changements climatiques pour la zone côtière de Sfax ((UNEP(OCA)/M...

1995, PNUE/PAM