Shaping an Holistic Approach to Protect the Adriatic Environment between coast and sea (2011-2014)
SHAPE project aims at the development of a multilevel and cross-sector governance system, based on an holistic approach and on an integrated management of the natural resources, risk's prevention and conflicts resolution among uses and users of the Adriatic coast and sea. Project activities promote the application and the successful implementation of the ICZM Protocol in the Mediterranean and of the Roadmap for Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) in the Adriatic region.
SHAPE project aims at the sustainable development of the Adriatic Region strengthening the protection and enhancement of the marine and coastal environment. Through an integrated approach, it promotes the strengthening of the institutional capacity to preserve and manage natural and cultural resources and risks' prevention. Replicable governance models will be developed. In line with the European strategies, the ICZM Protocol for the Mediterranean and the Roadmap for MSP are the main reference and their application in the Adriatic region will be tested.
Specific objectives are:
- to make human activities in coastal and marine areas more sustainable;
- to manage conflicts among concurrent uses and support the decision-making process;
- to strengthen the role of ICZM in the whole Adriatic Region and to prepare the ground for national and local strategies;
- to promote MSP in the Adriatic Region according to the EU key principles;
- to reach an high level of coherence between planning in coastal areas and planning in maritime spaces, binding ICZM and MSP;
- to fill the lack of adequate legal framework (such as integrated coastal strategies) and improve the existing tools;
- to improve the capacity building of institutions and authorities responsible for coastal management and marine issues;
- to ensure co-ordination among institutions and authorities responsible for coastal and sea management upgrading existing governance structures for better integration and co-operation;
- to enhance the stakeholders involvement, the information flow among various stakeholders and to strengthen the links among actors and key institutions;
- to improve the public participation process, through encouraging public participation in coastal management processes, and to increase the public awareness;
to share data and experience as a common base of knowledge allowing the coherent and conscious governance of the coastal and marine environment;
- to develop a coherent picture of the Adriatic Sea and contribute to the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODNET) and to the objectives of the Marine Framework Strategy;
- to co-ordinate the activities in the Adriatic Sea with other initiatives in the European Seas and Oceans, allowing the creation of a European knowledge network;
- to create an Adriatic network where "put on the table" specific experience and knowledge promoting synergies and avoiding duplications between different projects (especially the ones financed by the IPA CBC Adriatic Programme).
Main outputs
The main outputs of the project include: an Outline of ICZM in the Adriatic Region; Thematic maps; a Common Methodology for planning in maritime space; Analytical Reports on legal aspects, current policy and planning tools in the Adriatic Basin; a Common GIS Atlas of the Adriatic Sea; Scientific Reports; Training workshops; Transnational conferences.
SHAPE also promotes the strengthening of synergies and the exchange of results from various projects among a wide network of institutions, through the creation of the Adriatic Forum and the co-ordination with existing organisations, as the Adriatic Euroregion, other regions in Europe and European and International institutions.
Project partners