
Tunisie : Stratégie de développement du tourisme durable dans le Cap Bon

2009, PAP/RAC

Sustainable Tourism Development in Croatian Coastal Area - Pilot project Baska Voda. Split:

2008, PAP/RAC

CAMP Montenegro; Feasibility Study

2008, PAP/RAC

ICAM Methodology and Proposed ICAM Strategic Framework (2008, PAP/RAC)

2008, H. Coccosis

Protocol on Integrated Coastal Zone Management in The Mediterranean

2008, PAP/RAC

Integrated Coastal Urban Water System Planning in Coastal Areas of the Mediterranean. Volume I. Principles and Planning

2007, PAP/RAC

Plan d’Action pour la Méditerranée Accord relatif au Programme d’Aménagement Côtier pour la zone côtière du Rif central (2007, CAR/PAP)

2007, CAR/PAP

Integrated Coastal Area Management in Cyprus: Biodiversity Concerns


Conception of Spatial Development of South Primorska and the Programme of Measures for Its Implementation (2006, PAP/RAC)

2006, ACER and Oikos

Regional Programe of Environment and Water Resources Protection (2006, PAP/RAC)

2006, Banovec, P., Urh, K. and Slibar, A

Conception of Spatial Development of South Primorska and the Programme of Measures of its Implementation 2006, PAP/RAC)

2006, ACER