
Final Integrated Report. Levante de Almeria: A laboratory to test Integrated Coastal Zone Management (2013, PAP/RAC)

2013, PAP/RAC

Report on the CAMP Levante de Almeria Final Presentation Conference, Almeria (2013, PAP/RAC)

2013, Ana Correa Peña

Minutes of the 5th Steering Committee Meeting (2012, PAP/RAC)

2012, Ana Correa Peña

Memorandum of Understanding among the Ministry of Environment of Spain, the Regional Ministry of Environment of Andalucia, and UNEP relative to C...

2007, PAP/RAC

CAMP Levante de Almeria, Spain; Feasibility Study (2005, PAP/RAC)

2005, PAP/RAC

CAMP Spain Inception Report (2005, PAP/RAC)

2005, PAP/RAC

Programme for the integrated management of the Mar manor coastline and it's area of influence

2003, PAP/RAC