Search: Marine Spatial Planning

Marine Spatial Plan of Montenegro

2021, PAP/RAC

Land Sea Interaction Analysis for Montenegro

2021, PAP/RAC

Results and achievements of the GEF Adriatic project

2021, PAP/RAC

Investigation of hard-bottom habitats (Anthozoa and their taxonomy) in Boka Kotorska Bay Final report

2021, PAP RAC

DT2.8.1 Geoportal maintenance and transferability plan


Stakeholder Involvement Plan

2020, PAP RAC

PAN Adriatic scope - Adriatic-Ionian cooperation towards MSP

2020, PAP/RAC

Blue Economy in Montenegro (in Montenegrin with summary in English)

2020, PAP RAC

Results of Marine Research in Montenegro - Summary


Rezultati istraživanja morske sredine Crne Gore - Rezime

2019, PAP RAC

Rezultati istraživanja morske sredine Crne Gore - Izvještaj

2019, PAP RAC

PHAROS4MPAs: Policy Brief 2019

2019, PAP/RAC

PHAROS4MPAs: Recommendations for the Cruise Sector

2019, PAP/RAC

SIMWESTMED - Relationship between LSI and ICZM

2018, PAP/RAC

SUPREME - Recommendations and guidelines to support Barcelona Convention principles in MSP activities

2018, PAP/RAC

SIMWESTMED - Recommendations to support common understanding on a regional scale on MSP

2018, PAP/RAC

SUPREME - How to perform analysis of LSI combining MSP and ICZM in the considered project area

2018, PAP/RAC

Conceptual Framework for Marine Spatial Planning in the Mediterranean. UN Environment/MAP Athens, Greece (2018)

2018, UN environment/MAP

Livret méthodologique pour le recensement et le suivi des zones de stockage terrestre des navires (2017, CAR/PAP)

2017, CAR/PAP

18th Ordinary Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Med...

2013, PAP/RAC

Sustainable Coastal Tourism - An integrated planning and management approach

2009, UNEP & PAP/RAC

Handbook on Integrated Maritime Spatial Planning; Experience, Tools and Instruments, and Case Studies. From the INTERREG III B CADSES PlanCoast P...


Spatial Planning Systems in the Adriatic - 2/2

2008, PAP/RAC

Spatial Planning Systems in the Adriatic 1/2

2008, PAP/RAC

State of the Art of Coastal and Maritime Planning in the Adriatic Region: Synthesis Report. Split

2007, PAP/RAC

Marine Spatial Planning: A Theoretical Overview

2007, PAP/RAC

PAP/RAC 2002. For a Sound Coastal Management in the Mediterranean./Pour une bonne pratique de gestion des zones côtières en Méditerranée. Split:...

2002, PAP/RAC

UNEP/MAP/PAP. 2001. White Paper: Coastal Zone Management in the Mediterranean / Livre blanc: Gestion des zones côtières en Méditerranée. Split: P...

2001, PAP/RAC