
Directives pour la gestion de programmes de contrôle d'érosion et de désertification plus partiuclièrement destinées aux zones côtières méditerra...

2000, PAP/RAC

River Cetina Watershed and the Adjacent Coastal Area: Environmental and Socio-Economic Profile.

2000, PAP/RAC

Agreement relative to the Coastal Area Management Programme (CAMP) – the project for Lebanon: Summary


List of publications (CAMP Israel)

2000, PAP/RAC

List of publications (Projects in Africa)


Cadre conceptuel et directives pour la gestion intégrée du littoral et des bassins fluviaux.

1999, PAP/RAC

Coastal Area Management Programme (CAMP) Fuka-Matrouh-Egypt. Final Integrated Report

1999, PAP/RAC

Integrated Coastal Area Management Planning Study – CAMP Fuka-Matrouh, Egypt. Split: PAP/RAC.

1999, PAP/RAC

Formulation et mise oeuvre des projects du PAC: Guide pratique (1999, PAM/PAP)

1999, PAP/RAC

Coastal Area Management Programme (CAMP) Lebanon; Feasibility Study.

1999, PAP/RAC

Integrated Coastal and Marine Areas Management in Mozambique: Xai-Xai District Coastal Area Management Strategy. East African Regional Seas Techn...


Aménagement des zones cotières en République Fédérale Islamique des Comores. I’ile de Grande Comore: Profil cotier et stratégie de planification....


Assessment of Integrated Coastal Management in Africa.

1998, PAP/RAC

CAMP Fuka-Matrouh: Implications of Climate Change for the Coastal Area of Fuka-Matrouh. MTS 102. (Egypt) (1996, UNEP/MAP)

1996, UNEP/MAP

Implications du changement climatique pour la zone côtière d'Albanie

1996, UNEP/MAP

Approaches for zoning of coastal areas with reference to Mediterranean aquaculture/Approches pour l’aménagement de zones côtières en relation ave...

1996, PAP/RAC