

(1 January 2018 - 31 December 2020)

PORTODIMARE is an Interreg ADRION project that aims at creating a common platform (Geoportal) for data, information and decision support tools focused on coastal and marine areas of the Adriatic-Ionian Region. The Geoportal integrates and further develops existing databases, portals and tools developed within previous EU projects (such as PlanCoast, Shape, Adriplan) by local and national administrations and by other initiatives.


Lead Partner: Emilia-Romagna Region, Directorate General for Territory and Environment Protection (RER_DGCTA).

Project Partners:  CORILA - Consortium for co-ordination of research activities concerning the Venice lagoon system (Italy); RRC - Regional Development Center, Koper (Slovenia); PAP/RAC - Priority Actions Programme Regional Activity Centre (Croatia); HCMR - Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (Greece); ZPUIZ - Institute for Spatial Planning of Istria County (Croatia); JPMDCG - Public Enterprise for Coastal Zone Management of Montenegro (Montenegro); CETEOR - Centre for Economic, Environmental and Technological Development, Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina); CP - Civil Protection service, Apulia (Italy); OOMM Service, Abruzzo (Italy); RdV – Veneto Region (Italy).

Associated partners: Marche Region (Italy); ARPAE (Italy).

The Work Package T1 - Geoportal design and development phase defines and implements architecture and main components of the Geoportal. It is under the responsibility of CORILA. RER_DGCTA will host the Geoportal and will assure its maintenance after the project conclusion. All partners (including PAP/RAC) will contribute to populate the Geoportal with data and information:

T 1.1 - Compose and prioritize a complete list of requirements (e.g. which mandatory/optional functions, which types of data, which time and space resolution, which end-users, etc.) of the Geoportal to be designed and developed in its basic block, using a problem-driven approach (PAP/RAC among other Project Partners - PPs)

T 1.2 - Data and information requirements in order to implement ICZM/MSP and to support transnational co-operation on ICZM/MSP. It specifies mandatory and optional datasets, data formats, spatial and temporal dimensions (All PPs)

T 1.3 - To avoid duplication in terms of data and functions, existing tools must be inventoried and qualified. This analysis focuses particularly on tools relevant for Adriatic-Ionian Region (All PPs)

T 1.4 Geoportal – System architecture and design based on required tool functions considers a multi-purpose modular system able to provide basic and general functionalities and inclusion of modules to be developed under T 1.6-1.12.

T 1.5 – Actual development of Geoportal and relevant documents: online publication of the Geoportal interface; a practical guide dedicated to PPs on how to prepare data and metadata; a practical guide dedicated to general end users. All PPs will participate.

The project will prepare and test a series of modules used for analytical purposes, mainly to provide information for coastal and marine planning. They will be tested in the pilot areas. The modules are the following:

T1.6 Module on analysis of conflicts and synergies among sea uses

T1.7 Module on cumulative impacts on marine ecosystems of land and sea-based pressures

T1.8 Module on optimal siting of aquaculture farms

T1.9 Module on dispersion of substances/contaminants from terrestrial and marine sources

T1.10 Module on coastal vulnerability to oil spills released offshore

T1.11 Module on small scale fisheries spatial footprint and corresponding fishing effort for inclusion in the MSP process

T1.12 Module on fisheries (trawlers+purse-seiners) spatial footprint from VMS data

PAP/RAC is the responsible partner and leads the Work Package T2, co-ordinating the training, the testing activities T2.2-2.7 (under local PPs responsibility) and the elaboration of strategies/action plans for Geoportal use, maintenance, transferability.

T 2.1 – organization of two training workshops about implementing demonstration actions on local level:

T 2.1.1 First workshop in Split, Croatia – February 2019

T 2.1.2 Second workshop in Pula, Croatia – September/October 2019

Each workshop will have around 30 participants and last for 2 days.

Pilot projects

T 2.2Pilot 1: Threats to coastal & marine biodiversity; Vrsar and Funtana islands /Istria  - aims to gather existing scientific data as well as new ones from the test area (Vrsar and Funtana islands), summarise existing spatial data and elements useful for future action related to MSP/ICZM and implementation of MFSD. Managed by ZPUIZ (Institute for Spatial Planning of Istria County).

T 2.3Pilot 2: Evaluation of sea uses sustainability in Emilia-Romagna - demonstration aims at testing the Geoportal and the modules dedicated to conflicts/synergies among uses and on cumulative impacts, in order to enhance the sustainability of sea uses and the environmental quality of the maritime area facing the Region. Managed by RER-DGCTA.

T 2.4Pilot 3: Spatial conflicts among human activities and conservation priority areas in Western Greek waters/Kefalonia - Cumulative impact assessment - spatial conflicts among fisheries, aquaculture, tourism and conservation priority areas in the Kefalonia Island. The goal is to identify barriers associated with combining marine activities and enable the more efficient use of the marine space with reduced environmental impacts. Managed by HCMR. 

T 2.5Pilot 4: Abruzzo coastal evolution mapping - Drafting a map representing the coastline evolution (period 2000-2015) to assess the physical and territorial availability to support spatial planning policies. Managed by OOMM Service.

T 2.6Pilot 5: Spatial conflicts among existing uses and legal regimes  on sea-coastal strip - Spatial conflicts along Slovenian coast (Pilot 5A managed by RRC Koper) among different sea and coast uses will be identified by using/testing the Geoportal and its tools and presented in a report: conflicts among tourism, maritime transport, nature conservation areas, bathing areas and others sea-coastal uses. Pilot 5B will be on coast of Bosnia and Herzegovina (managed by CETEOR Sarajevo).

T 2.7Pilot 6: Oil spill coastal grounding response - organization of one oil-spill beach grounding simulation in Apulia and use of Geoportal as Decision Support System (DSS) to address response tactics. Managed by CP Apulia. 

T 2.8 - The Geoportal maintenance and transferability plan will focus on how project results will be shared with other regions/administrative units/target groups and how they can influence policies and behaviours. It includes:

T 2.8.1 Geoportal maintenance and transferability plan

T 2.8.2 Geoportal Practical Guide

T 2.8.3 Strategies and action plans on 4 testing areas of the Geoportal (from T2.2, T2.3, T2.4, and T2.6)

As for the WP "Communication", PAP/RAC will, through PAP/RAC network of National Focal Points, ensure the awareness raising in the AIR and also at the Mediterranean level on project events such as the International Conference on ICZM & MSP in October 2018, along with the production and distribution of dissemination material concerning the topics of coastal and marine sustainable management and planning.